Case Study: West Ridge Market
West Ridge Market in Minnetonka represents a mix of housing styles and prices with linkages to jobs, transportation, services, and recreation within a compact, mixed-use neighborhood.
The 418 new housing units provide a mix of rents and prices, serving those from very low to higher incomes. In addition, 256,000 square feet of commercial space provides jobs and shopping.
An example of successful suburban redevelopment, West Ridge Market covers 53 acres and includes preserved wetlands and woods with connecting pedestrian trails and an adjacent 15-acre city park. The West Ridge Market project, developed in 1996-1997, received $250,000 in low income housing tax credits.
Four of the project’s housing developments, including Boulevard Gardens, West Ridge Senior Housing, Gables of West Ridge Market, and Crown Ridge Apartments, are assured to remain affordable for the next 30 years, which maximizes the potential of the low income housing tax credits.